Our history is both long and short since it grew out of deep love and long history with making things. We started not too long ago because we did other things - other work - other lives before we found purpose in making stuff. At our heart we are explorers of sorts. The type of maker that can’t get enough of trying, failing, trying, succeeding and then more failings so we can succeed again. All we ever wanted to do was try. And it led us…somewhere. And that is what got us hooked on making things. The challenge, the wonder, the what-if of stuff.

We call it stuff because the world is comprised of STUFF. Some stuff is bad like bombs, frustrating like freeways, scary like rollercoasters. But the best stuff in this world are the things that make us smile, make us wonder, and make us cry. Good or bad we hope you enjoy smelling, tasting, touching, seeing, and responding to our STUFF.